The new History Carnival up at Cliopatria, thanks to Jonathan Dresner. Jonathan was very thorough, arranging all items thematically. Should make for good reading. One of the posts that he mentions is Geitner’s post on separatism in the early republic, focusing in particular on the contingency of the Union in the first decade of the Constitution. Of course he and I have discussed this a lot, and I hope to comment on his post given some free time.

I am giving a conference paper tomorrow on Adenauer’s support for the creation of a West German Republic in 1919. I am desperately trying to cut it down to fit the time allotted. In the future, after I have made a few corrections, I will post the text. Here is a snippet dealing with Adenauer’s interpretation of French territorial demands:

[France’s] naked revanchisme would increase animosity [with Germany]. But Adenauer looked at the kernel of revenge as a need for security:

“Despite its 50 year old quest for revenge, it is absolutely understandable for France that when the moment for revenge has come that Germany no longer stands as one of the ‘Great Powers’. “

Adenauer soberly informed his audience that as misguided as revanchisme was, France would have its fears about Germany eased. France wanted to create distance between itself and Prussia and undermined the economic support that Prussia received from the Rhineland. In French minds Prussia was an aggressor and was primarily responsible for the war. Adenauer concurred:

“Prussia was the state that drove this war.”